Beetroot Burger with Halloumi & Yogurt Coleslaw

One of my little vegetarian fears is cooking a Sunday lunch for guys. Don’t get me wrong, I know many lovely vegetarian men (including my excellent father and brother), but sometimes I find myself cooking for a hungry group who really don’t believe vegetables can fill you up.  My solution in this situation is nearly always halloumi. Many…

Simple Summer Salads

London is heating up and what could be better than a picnic lunch? Your options are plentiful: a day lazing by the river in Bishop’s Park (Putney Bridge), sitting on striped deck chairs near Buckingham Palace (Hyde Park Corner), or a working lunch watching the tennis or cricket with a glass of chilled pinot grigio…

Quiche with goats cheese, mushrooms and thyme

Ah quiche.  This particular baked item has an abundance of memories for me. Firstly, my lovely ex-flatmate Rob used to make a quiche most Sunday nights (a busy culinary day if we consider Sunday Sudanese Lentils) and after church a ramshackle, every changing group would be treated to a slice. More recently it’s become an…

Vegetarian Lasagne from Dalton HQ

My poor mother married a vegetarian and then later down the line watched as her seven year old son was converted to cheese burgers sans the meat patty…twenty years on and my sister and I have also gone to the dark side and now that 80% of Dalton HQ are vegetarians, this recipe is a…

Chickpea Ratatouille with Baked Sweet Potato

This is one of my favourite chickpea dishes, formulated in my economical student days living in Newtown. Originally called Chickpea Jumble, I think the name Ratatouille adds a bit of class. Humble chickpeas are chock-a-block full of iron and protein and are also very inexpensive. An average can of peas doesn’t cost more than $1.50,…